YouTube TV launched back in 2017 as an alternative to the traditional cable TV. It was initially available in just five big US markets, and it only cost $35 per month. Five years later YouTube TV completely replace traditional cable TV for the majority of households in the United States, which seems to be reason enough for Google to continuously raise the prices.If you did not receive the email or haven’t checked yet, you’ll be hearing it from us. YouTube TV announced the price of the monthly subscription will jump from $72.99/month to $82.99/month. The new price is available starting December 12 for new customers, while current customers will have to pay more beginning January 13, 2025.

As far as the reasons for this price hike go, YouTube TV is as generic as it can be. The official statement mentions “the rising cost of content,” which seems to have become so much more expensive in the last seven years since the YouTube TV is available on the market.

Due to the rising cost of content, we’ve updated our membership pricing to reflect the complete value of YouTube TV. The new price for a Base Plan is $82.99 per month. This change has been implemented since December 12, 2024.”
Obviously, the new price will continue to include 100+ channels, a DVR with unlimited storage, up to 6 accounts per household, and 3 concurrent streams. All the perks that were previously available in the $72.99/month price remain the same for the new price scheme. Also, no additional fees will be required for broadcast, HD, set-top box, or DVR.Keep in mind that in case your membership is currently paused, you’ll automatically be charged the new monthly price for the streaming service when you unpause your membership.

#YouTube #ends #year #price #hike

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